A Different Environment
In many ways being in Inwood Manhattan is being isolated a bit from the city at large. It is a very different environment in many ways including its parks and community feel.
But we are not necessarily safe here. In fact there was a murder literally in front of our building a few weeks ago and there have been reports of shootings.
Illegal Activities
It seems that the protesting has lead to violent folks destroying small businesses that in turn has impacted the gangs, making them feel all the more insulated from repercussions if they shoot and kill and do other illegal activities.
What Does the FutureĀ Hold?
So really the protests, the looting and all the killings are a part of the same vicious circle, one prodding on the other. We wish we had more happy news but the series of events thatĀ are happening, even in our precious Inwood, has made us pause and reflect on what our future will be in this neighborhood?