Earlier Today in Inwood

Yianni Stamas, who is a resident of Inwood Manhattan NYC, talked to us about a discussion that has become heated regarding the subject of this morning’s weekly newsletter. The newsletter subject was “Are you a plan user or a plan loser?

It All Started with Content in the Weekly Email Newsletter

Although Yianni admitted that the newsletter was intended to be a comedic, tongue-in-cheek look at a question, that was perceived by some, as being too favorable toward one side, he feels badly that some were offended by it, which of course was not his intention.

Plan Losers Assert that they are Not Losers

In fact, those who proudly call themselves “plan losers,” see it as downright insulting that they did not get their chance to speak about the benefits of being a plan loser, yet those who consider themselves to be a “plan user” were allowed to go on and on endlessly.

Did “Self-Image” Light the Fire?

The plan loser claim continued to be that the side of the “plan user” received most of this morning’s newsletter content, and by doing so, maybe shut out the chance for some readers who might have wanted to really be plan losers but may have felt forced to become a plan user for reasons of self-image and perception.

Plan Losers will get their Time in Friday’s Newsletter

Plan losers are demanding more coverage in the next edition of the newsletter. Yianni has apologized to all the proud plan losers and said they will get their time in next week’s newsletter edition being blasted in the morning on Friday, July 30th.